This year's Alpe-Adria meeting took place in the small Italian town of Talmassons. Following the invitation by the organizer, a group from Slovenia joined the meeting and presented some of our work.
Photo: Jure Atanackov & Matic Smrekar.
The meeting began with the opening speech by the main organizers, Lucio Furlanetto and Paolo Corelli.
It was followed by the presentation by Alessandro Di Giusto (Cielo Buio) on the most problematic type of outdoor lighting at the moment – LED. In the next two hours, numerous presentations on the topics of amateur research, education and other activities by participants from various organizations from Croatia, Italy, Slovenia and Serbia followed.
We presented the wide range of our educational, environmental and research activities as well as our effort in science outreach. We also presented our DIMM seeing measurements and the evolution and results of HR planetary imaging.
See you all next year!
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